Celebration & Competition
There are two main categories at the World Orchestra Festival: category “Celebration” and category “Competition”.
Each participating orchestra can freely choose which main category they want to join.

1. Celebration:
Let’s play together for “one future, our better future”!
All orchestras are welcome to join in the “Celebration” (non-competitive) category of the festival!
In addition to the regular concerts and performances provided by the festival, workshops coached by the member of the famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, professors at the famous University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and other renowned Austrian music experts and educators will be offered to the orchestras which chooses this category. Also charitable concerts and performances in local culture center/social institutions in and around Vienna can be organized for the orchestras additionally. Orchestras, conductors and each orchestra member will receive an honorary award for their spirit, excellent artistic and social contribution.
2. Competition:
Let’s try our best for “one future, our better future”!
Even competition is not the ultimate goal of the festival, but to encourage further development of the orchestras and their musicians, the festival provides an open and fair chance for orchestras, on their free will, to present themselves in a way of competition. The jury consists of world well-known orchestral conductors and experts.
Orchestras participating in the category “Competition” should follow rules and conditions described below:
2.1 Competition categories:
According to the types of the orchestra and ages of its members, there are following competition categories:
Notice: orchestras must meet the age requirements. Max. 10% of the orchestra members of each orchestra are allowed to exceed the age limit.
2.2 Performance and duration:
Each orchestra has to play as follows:
1)One piece of European classic music;
2)One piece of folk music from the homeland;
The orchestra is given free choice of music within the above parameters.
The performance should be between 10 and 15 minutes, should the total performance time of the two pieces mentioned above be less than 10 minutes, a third piece can be freely chosen by the orchestra.
2.3 Score:
The scores of the music works have to be sent to the artistic committee of the festival in advance (3 months prior to the festival begin). The score provided must be universal stave.
The scores provided will not be returned to the orchestra.
2.4 Music works:
Both original music works and the adapted music works by other composers are welcome. The Festival Artistic Committee reserves the right to return music works which do not meet regulations or which are controversial.
2.5 Alteration of repertoire:
Once the repertoire is confirmed by the Festival Artistic Committee, the orchestra can't change the repertoire and the playing order without the written permission of the artistic committee of the festival. Any change without authorization the artistic committee of the festival will lead to disqualification of the orchestra.
2.6 Sound amplification, accompanying Instruments:
No sound amplification/microphone is allowed, as far as application made in advance and the approval of the festival issued;
No recorded playback is allowed;
Piano accompaniment is allowed.
2.7 The starting order:
The starting order of the competition uses draft lottery drawn by the Festival Artistic Committee and generally cannot be changed, except in special cases.
2.8 The jury:
The members of the jury consist of world well-known orchestral conductors, music experts and educators. The decision of the jury shall be deemed final.
2.9 Evaluation of the achievement:
The jury will use a 30 points system and judge according to the following criteria:
2.10 Awards:
In each category the prizes of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Recognition will be awarded.
Category: Gold 25 – 30 points
Category: Silver 20 – 24.99 points
Category: Bronze 15 – 19.99 points
Category: Recognition < 15 points
Special awards in relation to special outstanding performance and quality of the orchestra, its conductor, pianist etc. could be awarded, based on the decision of the artistic committee.